Wednesday, January 25, 2012

19 Weeks!

After a horrible, horrible week in the hospital, I was finally released late Monday night. I still don't feel 100% but I am very happy to be home and recovering! I would like to thank Hubert and Dea for coming to my rescue over the weekend. They gave up a lovely weekend in Paris to be with us and it really meant a lot to me. It was SO nice to have family around when you aren't feeling your best. I'm so lucky to be so loved!

Even though I was bed ridden for most of Week 18, Baby JVM seems to have GROWN! My belly is getting really big - I almost feel like it's going to burst at times. I have my next important scan next week where we will hopefully know for sure what we are having (although they are pretty sure it's a girl!) and that everything is developing as it should!

Andrew and I are starting to think about names. I would like to consider some family names as well, so if anyone has any suggestions, please let us know!

I am very much looking forward to the weekend to catch up on some much needed sleep.

Hugs & Kisses to all xoxo